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Healing from the Inside - And Chronic Diseases?

Healing from the Inside - And Chronic Diseases? Gut Health is your first step

Most of us have heard the phrase healing from the inside which can relate to emotional, mental, or physiological problems that we are trying to resolve. I want to share with you the meaning of healing from the inside and how important it is when it comes to physiological disorders such as gut problems and autoimmune diseases. 

But they are all related, mental, emotional, and physiological, and one impacts the other like a domino effect sooner or later. If you are suffering from dare I say almost any chronic disease that stems from autoimmunity or gastrointestinal disorders you probably want to read on.

One of the meanings of healing from the inside is to let the body heal itself if you give it a chance and time. Another meaning when it comes to chronic diseases is that you need to focus first on healing what is inside you because it is not visible nor understandable. In other words, get to the root of the cause of what causing your digestive problems.

Gastrointestinal Problems and Healing from the Inside

This scenario will explain it best when it comes to healing from the inside and what it means to you if you are having gastrointestinal problems, like, Celiac Disease.

Peptic ulcer disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic constipation, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and Crohn's disease to name a few.

That means you need healing from the inside by getting to the root of the cause and not just chronically suppressing the symptoms with pain killer medications and beating down the immune system with steroids and immune-suppressing drugs. 

To go deeper with the idea of healing from the inside is to look at what is causing all these chronic diseases and autoimmune disorders in the 21st century and it starts with your gut health condition. One person got this right more than two thousand years ago and his name is Hippocrates and is considered to be the father of modern medicine.

Gastrointestinal Problems and Healing from the Inside is what Hippocrates said that all diseases begin in the gut.

One of his famous quotes is that all diseases begin in the gut and now many scientists and medical doctors realize how correct was he! It starts with the gut flora or the scientific term gut microbiota that reside in your digestive system.

When these microorganisms start to become imbalanced and some of them overgrow at the expense of the other microbes then you have what is known as gut dysbiosis. Gut dysbiosis leads to leaky gut disorder and other digestive diseases not to mention autoimmunity disorders, skin disorders, mental health. and the list goes on.

So healing from the inside is something you need to pay attention to so you can improve your gut health and balancing your little microbial community that lives inside your digestive tract. 

Gut Health Issues and Healing from the Inside

Gut Health Issues and Healing from the Inside to cure leaky gut

To start resolving your gut health issues then you need to think about natural whole food that will provide healing from the inside.

As Dr. Natasha McBride mentioned many times in interviews that food is the most powerful thing we have in nature to help the body and the gut to ameliorate gradually but steadily. And going back to Hippocrates where he said  “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.

I hope this will not only will give you hope but make you rethink of paradigm shirt from depending on quick superficial fixes from medication to how to incorporate food to start healing from the inside starting with your gut.

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